Saturday, September 17, 2011

home remedy

Home Remedies For Dry & Cracked Skin
Skin is not only the outer covering if the body and the glow in our skin shows our good health. But with the advent of winter, our skin looses the water content and as a result it becomes flaky, dry and pale.
Here are a few home made tips which I have heard from my Mom, Grandma& Aunt since childhood for a healthier looking skin during winters. Most of the tips are being tried out and have very effective results. But if your skin istoo sensitive then its better not to use the potato and radish remedy.
1.For dry, cracked hands, apply a mixture of grated potato soaked in olive oil. Leave this on for 10 minutes and then rinse off.
2.Take a few tulsi leaves and neem leaves. Boil it in water for 5-6 minutes so that the juice of the leaves are extracted. Strain the boiled mixture and discard the leaves. Preserve and refrigerate the herbal water . Use this cold, herbal water to cleanse your face. It will act as a natural cleanser and will also act as disinfectant.
3.Take a cup of milk , 1tbsp of peanut and 1 tsp of honey . Coarsely grind the peanut and mix it with milk& honey. Apply it on skin and leave for10-15 min and then rub of the mixture while rinsing. The coarse peanut in the mixture will act as scrubber and help to eradicate the dead, dry skin while honey and milk will help to moisturize.
4.If you have dry patchy skin then you can apply peanut butter on the dried skin. Apply the peanut butter on the dried skin for 1hour. Let the oil from the butter will sink in and then rinse off.
5.Before going to sleep, warm olive oil and apply on cracked skin overnight. Repeat the process for fortnight and see the difference.
6.Take a radish and make pulp out of it. Apply this pulp on the dried skin.
7.Warm milk and let it stand for 15-20 minutes. You will find a layer of cream on top of the milk. Scoop out the layer of cream in a bowl. Add flour (preferably besan) to it and make a smooth paste. Apply on face, hand and legs. Leave for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off. Apply for 10 days and you can feel the difference.
8.Prepare herbal tea with a squeeze of lemon in the early morning and drink in empty stomach. If you do not have herbal tea then take tsp of tea leaves, 1 mint leaf, 1 tulsi leaf and boil for 3-4 minutes. Strain the tea and squeeze half lemon in it and add 1tsp of honey. Consume this in empty stomach. This will not only make your skin smooth but will also help in reducing fat.
9.Take olive oil and sesame seeds and heat it for 3-4 minutes. Let the mixture cool down. Strain the oil and bottle it. Use this sesame olive oil on cracked skin.
10.Grind neem leaves and make a fine paste. Apply this past on face, neck and hand for effective results.
11.Whenever you eat oranges , don’t discard the peels of it. Take the orangepeels and keep it under sun for a few days to dehydrate it. Now make a powder of the dried peels and store it in a container. Take a teaspoon of sandal powder or turmeric paste, add the orange peels to it and apply on face. This will help to eradicate sun burns, flaky skins and also will add a glow to your face. You can also add the orange peels in the remedy as discussed in #7 to act as an exfoliator.
12.If you have very dry skin, then apply an extra coat of olive oil on yourskin after taking a bath.
13.It’s a healthy habit to apply olive oil on skin at night before going to sleep and after taking a bath apply moisturizer or body lotion to avoid drying of skin.
14.Try to clean skin with help of rose water instead of soap.
15.Try to consume fresh fruit s and green vegetables for a healthier looking skin.

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